4 research outputs found

    Multicast routing and wavelength assignment in optical networks with particle swarm optimization

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    Large bandwidth on hand in WDM networks is the best choice for increasing tra c demand; although, routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problems still remain a challenge. This work proposes a novel method to solve multicast-RWA problems, using multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), implementing four competitive ap- proaches of state-of-the-art. Such algorithms minimize simultaneously the hop count, the number of splitting power light, the number of split- ter node and the balancing of multicast tree for a given set of multicast demands. This way, a set of optimal solutions (known as Pareto set) is obtained in one run of the algorithms, without a priori restrictions. Sim- ulation results prove the viability of the PSO proposal and the advantage compared on classical approaches as Multicast Open Shortest Path First routing algorithm and Least Used wavelength assignment algorithm.IV Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    El acompa帽amiento pedag贸gico interno y la pr谩ctica docente en una instituci贸n educativa p煤blica de Ayacucho

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    La presente investigaci贸n tuvo el prop贸sito de analizar c贸mo se vincula el acompa帽amiento pedag贸gico interno y la pr谩ctica docente en una instituci贸n educativa p煤blica de Ayacucho. Para ello, se consider贸 una metodolog铆a con base en el paradigma interpretativo, con un enfoque cualitativo y con el tipo de dise帽o de estudio de caso. Para obtener la informaci贸n se utiliz贸 la t茅cnica de la entrevista, siendo el instrumento, una gu铆a de entrevista con preguntas semi estructuradas. El muestreo empleado en la presente investigaci贸n fue de tipo no probabil铆stico, es decir, se llev贸 a cabo por selecci贸n intencional del propio investigador. As铆, la muestra qued贸 conformada por 3 docentes, quienes trabajan por horas, tienen m谩s de tres a帽os de servicio y tienen la condici贸n de acompa帽ados en una instituci贸n educativa p煤blica focalizada con el programa de jornada escolar completa. Se realiz贸 el an谩lisis de la informaci贸n recogida con el cuestionario. Finalmente, se concluy贸 que el acompa帽amiento pedag贸gico interno, en una instituci贸n educativa, se considera una oportunidad que ofrece estrategias para el fortalecimiento de la pr谩ctica docente, promovido con un enfoque cr铆tico reflexivo y cumpliendo con los protocolos del proceso de acompa帽amiento pedag贸gico.This research has the purpose of analyzing how internal pedagogical accompaniment and teaching practice are linked in a public educational institution in Ayacucho. For which, a methodology with an interpretive paradigm was considered, a qualitative approach, of a design type is the case study. To obtain the information, the interview technique was used, through the use of the questionnaire instrument with semi-structured questions. The sample used in this research is of a non-probabilistic type, it was carried out by intentional selection by the researcher himself of the 3 hourly teachers who have more than three years of service in condition accompanied in a public educational institution focused on the program of Full school day. For the investigation, qualitative information was considered and it is concluded that the internal pedagogical accompaniment in an educational institution is considered as an opportunity that offers a set of strategies for strengthening the teaching practice, promoted with a reflective critical approach and complying according to the protocols of the pedagogical accompaniment process

    Multicast routing and wavelength assignment in optical networks with particle swarm optimization

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    Large bandwidth on hand in WDM networks is the best choice for increasing tra c demand; although, routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problems still remain a challenge. This work proposes a novel method to solve multicast-RWA problems, using multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), implementing four competitive ap- proaches of state-of-the-art. Such algorithms minimize simultaneously the hop count, the number of splitting power light, the number of split- ter node and the balancing of multicast tree for a given set of multicast demands. This way, a set of optimal solutions (known as Pareto set) is obtained in one run of the algorithms, without a priori restrictions. Sim- ulation results prove the viability of the PSO proposal and the advantage compared on classical approaches as Multicast Open Shortest Path First routing algorithm and Least Used wavelength assignment algorithm.IV Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI